Coinbase is the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world, with over 100 million daily users. Curiously, the majority of these users only had ever traded two assets, at most. Coinbase challenged my team and I to solve this problem by giving us a very clear goal—get novice crypto users to add more assets to their watchlists and trade them. Through discovery, we learned that new users had little to no context on which assets to watch and trade. So, through multiple rounds of design and testing, we created intuitive experiences that helped users understand and control what assets they gave their attention to. Users were now made aware of new and trending assets, can create watchlists from scratch with the help of machine learning, and share their trades with friends—all while notifications keep them informed on how assets and their watchlists are performing daily. In future states, we also added the ability to subscribe to other users’ watchlists, especially professional traders and investors. While this feature is currently being experimented with, final testing results reported an exponential increase in users adding assets to their watchlist, and increasing trades on a daily basis.

My roles:
• Product Strategy
• Experience & Interaction Design
• Visual Design & Art Direction
• User Testing
• Documentation & Engineering Hand-off

Product, Digital, & Branding